Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Words on Fire

Words on Fire
By Jennifer A. Nielsen
Danger is never far from Audra's family farm in Lithuania. She always avoids the occupying Russian Cossack soldiers, who insist that everyone must become Russian -- they have banned Lithuanian books, religion, culture, and even the language. But Audra knows her parents are involved in something secret and perilous.

In June 1893, when Cossacks arrive abruptly at their door, Audra's parents insist that she flee, taking with her an important package and instructions for where to deliver it. But escape means abandoning her parents to a terrible fate.

As Audra embarks on a journey to deliver the mysterious package, she faces unimaginable risks, and soon she becomes caught up in a growing resistance movement. Can joining the underground network of book smugglers give Audra a chance to rescue her parents?

 AMAZING Read!!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

finding PERFECT by Elly Swartz

Finding Perfect is a beautiful story that all middle grade readers should dive into! Molly is trying to navigate school, her mom being gone, family, friends, and OCD. Readers will love her journey and learn so much about compassion, support, love of family and friendship.

This book was such an interesting read for me. The longer I teach the more students I see with some form of anxiety or fear of not having things perfect. As a kid, this was me. I obsessed over little things, counted in my head and worried if I didn't do something right I would cause an accident. This is something I would read along with my child to talk about Molly's fears.